British Empire & Commonwealth Games, 17-26 July 1958

Note - Times were not available for first-round heats of the 100 yards 
(except for Heat 11) and 440 yards because the timer was not linked to 
the starting gun.   Differentials behind the winner are shown for each 
heat in these cases.

100 yards
(Round 1)
(Heat 1/+1.1)
Robinson               -     (9.5)
Hogan                  0.29  (9.8)
Goddard                0.33  (9.9)
Doherty                0.93 (10.4)
(Heat 2/+7.6)
Omagbemi               -     (9.7)
Carragher              0.17 (10.0)
Roberts                0.40 (10.1)
Sharif                 0.45 (10.2)
Stott                  0.83 (10.5)
(Heat 3/+1.5)
Rae                    -     (9.8)
Breacker               0.14  (9.9)
Ampadu *               0.24 (10.0)
Okello *               0.27 (10.3) 
Hamilton               0.54 (10.4)
* Correction to placing
(Heat 4/+4.3)
Radford                -     (9.8)
Cameron                0.09 (10.0)
Nduga                  0.24 (10.0)
Antao                  0.25 (10.0)
Lee                    0.72 (10.5)
(Heat 5/+2.6)
R.Jones                -     (9.9)
Levenson               0.01  (9.9)
Akraka                 0.01  (9.9)
Amukun                 0.11  (9.9)
Mayers                 0.50 (10.3)
(Heat 6/+2.5)
Day                    -     (9.9)
Khaliq                 0.03  (9.9)
Odofin                 0.06  (9.9)
Chemweno               0.32 (10.1)
Edgar                  0.48 (10.5)
(Heat 7/+1.9)
Segal                  -     (9.9)
Harewood               0.04 (10.2)
Stanger                0.17 (10.2)
Lawson                 0.23 (10.2)
Street                 0.32 (10.3)
(Heat 8/+0.7)
Jefferys               -     (9.8)
Whitehead              0.08  (9.9)
Lansana                0.43 (10.3)
Boit                   0.63 (10.5)
Patel                  1.65 (11.2)
(Heat 9/+3.7)
Agostini               -     (9.7)
Obi                    0.09  (9.8)
Gale                   0.40 (10.1)
Cockburn               0.56 (10.2)
Anderson               0.77 (10.3)
(Heat 10/+0.5)
Gardner                -     (9.7)
Sandstrom              0.29 (10.0)
Toner                  0.56 (10.1)
Bwowe                  0.58 (10.3)
Kennedy-Skipton        1.06 (10.4)
(Heat 11/+4.5)
Dunbar                10.15 (10.0)
Tan                   10.18 (10.1)
Luxon                 10.65 (10.4)
Hein                  10.81 (10.8)
(Heat 12/+0.5)
Morgan                 -    (10.0)
McCann                 0.00 (10.1)
Solomon                0.03 (10.2)
Williams               0.13 (10.2)
Chambers               0.33 (10.2)
(Round 2)
Robinson               9.81  (9.6)
Khaliq                10.00  (9.9)
Segal                 10.03  (9.9)
Cameron               10.05  (9.9)
Gale                  10.21 (10.0)
Ampadu                10.51 (10.4)
Agostini               9.85  (9.7)
Day                    9.88  (9.8)
Akraka                 9.97  (9.8)
Breacker              10.02  (9.8)
Nguda                 10.21 (10.0)
Tan                   10.43 (10.3)
Omagbemi               9.91  (9.7)
Sandstrom             10.07  (9.9)
Whitehead             10.10 (10.0)
McCann                10.33 (10.2)
Toner                 10.45 (10.5)
Luxon                 10.63 (10.5)
(QF.4/-0.4) no photo-finish times
Rae                    -     (9.8)
Odofin                 0.03  (9.9)
Goddard                0.08 (10.0)
Morgan                 0.22 (10.0)
Solomon                0.32 (10.0)
Carragher              1.11 (10.2)!
Radford                9.84  (9.7)
Obi *                 10.01  (9.9) 
Hogan *               10.01 (10.0) 
Roberts               10.30 (10.1)
Stanger               10.33 (10.2)
Lansana               10.50 (10.4)
* Correction to placing
Gardner                9.69  (9.5)
Jefferys               9.84  (9.6)
Levenson              10.02  (9.8)
Jones                 10.13 (10.0)
Dunbar                10.22 (10.0)
Harewood              10.26 (10.1)
Robinson               9.70  (9.5)
Omagbemi               9.77  (9.7)
Agostini               9.79  (9.7)
Jefferys               9.86  (9.7)
Hogan                 10.01  (9.7)
Sandstrom             10.03  (9.8)
Gardner                9.74  (9.6)
Radford                9.81  (9.8)
Rae *                  9.96  (9.8) 
Day *                  9.99  (9.8) 
Odofin                10.01  (9.8)
Khaliq                10.03  (9.8)
* Correction to placing
Gardner                9.66  (9.4)
Robinson               9.69  (9.6)
Agostini               9.79  (9.6)
Radford                9.80  (9.7)
Omagbemi               9.86  (9.7)
Day                    9.87  (9.8)

220 yards
(Round 1)
(Heat 1)
Gardner               22.04 (22.0)
Henderson             22.27 (22.4)
Chemweno              22.47 (22.5)
Esan                  22.59 (22.5)
(Heat 2)
Robinson              21.55 (21.6)
J.Jones               22.12 (21.9)
Chambers *            22.21 (22.3)
Lawson *              22.24 (22.3) 
Okello                22.52 (22.4)
Tommy                 23.78 (23.6)
* Correction to placing
(Heat 3)
Nguda                 21.80 (21.7)
Agostini              22.24 (22.2)
Gale                  22.39 (22.4)
Fleck                 22.55 (22.5)
Harewood              22.98 (22.9)
Anderson              23.19 (23.2)
(Heat 4)
Levenson              21.59 (21.6)
Segal                 22.01 (21.9)
Akraka                22.47 (22.4)
Street                23.31 (23.3)
Doherty               23.67 (23.5)
(Heat 5)
Rae                   22.21 (22.1)
Antao                 22.40 (22.3)
James                 22.98 (23.0)
Cockburn              23.04 (23.1)
Benjamin              23.68 (23.4)
(Heat 6)
Bertrand              21.99 (22.1)
Scott-Oldfield        22.12 (22.1)
Khaliq                22.46 (22.4)
Toner                 22.55 (22.6)
Oliver                22.87 (22.8)
(Heat 7)
Day                   21.94 (21.9)
Radford               22.19 (22.1)
Sharif                22.84 (22.8)
Quartey               23.13 (23.1)
Mayers                23.47 (23.3)
(Heat 8)
Jefferys              21.28 (21.4)
Amukun                22.14 (22.0)
Solomon               22.44 (22.5)
Clement               22.50 (22.5)
Stott                 24.00 (23.9)
(Heat 9)
Brightwell            22.05 (22.0)
Cameron               22.26 (22.2)
Whitehead             22.78 (22.9)
Kennedy-Skipton       24.10 (24.1)
(Round 2)
Gardner               21.46 (21.5)
Cameron               21.66 (21.5)
Akraka                21.94 (22.0)
Lawson                22.22 (22.1)
Solomon               22.60 (22.6)
Khaliq                23.55 (23.4)
Jefferys              21.16 (21.2)
Segal                 21.57 (21.4)
Whitehead             22.02 (22.0)
Chambers              22.39 (22.4)
Nduga                 22.49 (22.5)
Henderson             23.16 (23.0)
Brightwell            21.54 (21.5)
Agostini              21.56 (21.5)
Bertrand              21.77 (21.7)
Chemweno              22.30 (22.3)
Sharif                22.57 (22.6)
Street                22.94 (22.8)
Radford               21.47 (21.5)
Rae                   21.74 (21.7)
Amukun                22.09 (22.1)
Gale                  22.23 (22.1)
Esan                  22.45 (22.4)
Cockburn              22.56 (22.5)
Levenson              21.48 (21.5)
Scott-Oldfield        21.63 (21.5)
Jones                 22.08 (22.1)
Antao                 22.20 (22.2)
Quartey               22.39 (22.4)
Day                   21.23 (21.3)
Robinson              21.29 (21.3)
Fleck                 22.19 (22.2)
James                 22.37 (22.4)
Clement               22.49 (22.5)
Toner                 22.62 (22.5)
Day                   21.11 (21.2)
Levenson              21.25 (21.2)
Gardner               21.27 (21.3)
Segal                 21.30 (21.3)
Radford               21.36 (21.5)
Agostini              21.71 (21.5)
Robinson              20.86 (20.9)
Jefferys              20.95 (20.9)
Scott-Oldfield        21.53 (21.5)
Brightwell            21.54 (21.5)
Cameron               21.86 (21.8)
Rae                   21.97 (21.9)
Robinson              21.08 (21.0)
Gardner               21.11 (21.0)
Day                   21.15 (21.1)
Levenson              21.51 (21.5)
Scott-Oldfield        21.90 (21.8)

440 yards
(Round 1)
(Heat 1)
MacIsaac               -    (48.3)
Gosper                 0.11 (48.3)
Okello                 0.69 (48.7)
LeRoy                  2.62 (50.5)
Flower                 -    (53.1)
(Heat 2)
Spence (S.A.)          -    (47.6)
Ince                   0.39 (47.9)
Sampson                0.81 (48.4)
Clement                1.65 (49.4)
Hay                    2.32 (49.9)
(Heat 3)
Mal Spence (Jam)       -    (48.3)
Salisbury              0.40 (48.7)
Paterson               0.66 (48.9)
Owusu                  0.85 (49.2)
Arogundade             4.05 (52.3)
(Heat 4)
Kerr                   -    (48.4)
Johnson                0.75 (49.0)
Quartey                1.92 (50.0)
Dundas                 2.81 (51.0)
Tommy                  3.91 (52.0)
(Heat 5)
M.Singh                -    (48.9)
Chemweno               0.15 (48.9)
Jackson                0.56 (49.2)
Mel Spence (Jam)       1.40 (50.2)
Benjamin               3.47 (52.1)
(Heat 6)
Evans                  -    (48.9)
Robinson               0.17 (48.9)
Shepherd               0.76 (49.6)
Yaqub                  1.31 (50.1)
Ampada                 1.50 (50.2)
C.James                -    (54.6)
(Heat 7)
Wrighton               -    (49.5)
Boit                   0.35 (49.7)
Thomson                0.49 (49.7)
D.Singh                0.95 (50.2)
Olapado                1.68 (50.7)
(Heat 8)
Tobacco                -    (48.2)
Rotich                 0.98 (49.1)
Ahmad                  1.72 (49.7)
G.James                1.88 (49.9)
Tham                   5.96 (53.9)
(Round 2)
Sampson               46.90 (46.8)
Gosper                47.37 (47.4)
Evans                 47.98 (47.9)
Thomson               48.83 (48.8)
Jackson               49.51 (49.2)
Spence (S.A.)         46.71 (46.7)
Salisbury             47.28 (47.3)
Boit                  48.02 (48.0)
Okello                48.90 (48.9)
Ahmad                 49.51 (49.4)
Tobacco               46.78 (46.8)
Wrighton              47.16 (47.2)
Kerr                  47.25 (47.2)
Ince                  47.74 (47.9)
Chemweno              48.35 (48.3)
Paterson              48.63 (48.6)
M.Singh               47.05 (47.0)
MacIsaac              47.48 (47.3)
Rotich                47.60 (47.5)
Johnson               47.66 (47.7)
Mal Spence (Jam)      47.95 (48.4)
Spence (S.A.)         47.41 (47.3)
Wrighton              47.65 (47.5)
Tobacco               47.83 (47.9)
Sampson               48.18 (48.2)
Kerr                  48.44 (48.4)
Boit                  49.70 (49.8)
Singh                 47.48 (47.4)
Salisbury             47.56 (47.4)
MacIsaac              48.14 (48.1)
Gosper                48.18 (48.1)
Rotich                48.33 (48.2)
Evans                 48.90 (48.9)
Singh                 46.71 (46.6)
Spence                46.90 (46.9)
Tobacco               47.05 (47.0)
Salisbury             47.15 (47.1)
Wrighton              47.24 (47.2)
MacIsaac              48.82 (48.9)

880 yards
N.B. In the heats only 6 places were issued in the results
(Heat 1)
Hewson              1:52.61 (52.6)
Smith               1:52.74 (52.8)
Mullins             1:53.22 (53.2)
MacDonald           1:54.77 (54.6)
Billington          1:57.28 (57.3)
Seth                1:57.92 (57.9)
Eastwood            1:57.96 (58.0u)
Agbebiyi ?          1:58.67 ( -  )
(Heat 2)
Elliott             1:52.53 (52.3)
Buswell             1:53.06 (53.0)
Horrell             1:54.30 (54.2)
Paterson            1:54.59 (54.4)
Adeleye             1:55.46 (55.3)
Owusu               1:55.81 (55.4)
Stafford            1:56.06 (55.7u)
(Heat 3)
Rawson              1:54.54 (54.6)
Sullivan            1:54.62 (54.6)
Everett             1:55.22 (55.1)
Evans               1:55.42 (55.3)
Keter               1:55.48 (55.4)
Tawton              1:58.10 (57.0)
(Heat 4)
Farrell             1:54.84 (54.6)
Locke               1:54.98 (55.0)
Clement             1:55.08 (55.0)
Williams            1:56.49 (56.3)
Shillington         1:57.06 (56.9)
Kitchener           1:57.70 (57.6)
Boamah              1:58.36 ( -  )
Elliott             1:49.32 (49.3)
Hewson              1:49.47 (49.5)
Rawson              1:50.94 (51.1)
Sullivan            1:51.24 (51.3)
Smith               1:51.59 (51.5)
Farrell             1:51.85 (52.1)
Locke               1:54.83 (54.7)

1 mile
N.B. In the heats only 6 places were issued in the results
(Heat 1)
Elliott             4:07.03 (07.0)
Pirie               4:07.92 (07.9)
Blagrove            4:08.53 (08.6)
Everett             4:10.17 (10.0)
Pumphrey            4:12.31 (12.3)
Baillie             4:13.28 (13.2)
Sullivan            4:14.91 ( -  )
(Heat 2)
Lincoln             4:03.56 (03.4)
Berisford           4:04.57 (04.6)
Scott               4:05.86 (05.9)
Morton              4:07.73 (07.6)
Boyd                4:11.52 (11.6)
Clark               4:13.16 (13.0)
(Heat 3)
Hewson              4:09.57 (09.6)
Halberg             4:10.00 (09.9)
Thomas              4:10.23 (10.2)
Gordon              4:10.77 (10.7)
Maiyoro             4:16.19 (16.1)
Kitchener              -    (32.3)
Elliott             3:59.03 (59.0)
Lincoln             4:01.80 (01.9)
Thomas              4:02.77 (02.7)
Pirie               4:04.01 (04.1)
Halberg             4:06.65 (06.6)
Berisford           4:06.77 (07.8)!
Blagrove            4:07.78 (08.0)
Hewson              4:10.98 (11.1)
Scott               4:12.06 (11.9)

3 miles
Halberg            13:14.96 (15.0)
Thomas             13:24.37 (24.4)
Scott              13:26.06 (26.2)
Pirie              13:29.45 (29.6)
Clark              13:31.41 (30.6)*
Merriman           13:32.06 (32.2)
Power              13:37.37 (37.6)
Anentia            13:39.47 (  - )*
Baillie            13:40.92 (42.2)!
Ibbotson           13:44.18 (44.4)
Bullivant          13:45.67 (  - )
Others not filmed (ended 13:48)
* Lapped runner timed in error - 
Clark & Anentia apparently missed

6 miles
Power              28:48.16 (47.8)
Merriman           28:48.84 (48.8)
Anentia            28:51.48 (51.2)
Hyman              28:58.59 (58.6)
Others not filmed (ended 29:28)

120 yards Hurdles
(Heat 1/+11.0)
Gardner               14.50 (14.4)
Stanger               14.66 (14.9)
Birrell               14.97 (15.0)
Price                 15.11 (15.2)
(Heat 2/+2.0)
Raziq                 14.52 (14.4)
Swart                 14.54 (14.5)
Obi                   14.67 (14.7)
Matthews              15.03 (14.9)
Lansana               15.36 (15.3)
(Heat 3/+11.4)
Hildreth              14.54 (14.5)
Primrose              14.60 (14.5)
Duncan                14.81 (14.8)
Hazlewood             15.52 (15.5)
(Heat 4/+5.9)
Malan                 14.54 (14.5)
Oloko                 14.61 (14.5)
Taitt                 14.90 (14.8)
Taylor                14.99 (14.9)
Brunyee               15.22 (15.1)
Gardner               14.35 (14.3)
Hildreth              14.40 (14.5)
Raziq                 14.40 (14.5)
Duncan                14.57 (14.6)
Oloko                  -    ( -  )
Swart                 14.31 (14.2)
Stanger               14.48 (14.5)
Primrose              14.57 (14.5)
Taitt                 14.65 (14.5)
Obi                   14.73 (14.7)
Birrell               14.84 (14.8)
Gardner               14.20 (14.0)
Swart                 14.30 (14.2)
Raziq                 14.32 (14.3)
Stanger               14.42 (14.3)
Hildreth              14.50 (14.4)
Primrose              14.97 (14.9)

440 yards Hurdles
(Round 1)
No films
(Heat 1)
Potgieter             51.23 (51.1)
Metcalf               53.53 (53.4)
Shepherd              53.56 (53.4)
Hannah                53.97 (53.9)
Usmani                57.09 (57.0)
Yaqub                 57.19 (57.0)
(Heat 2)
Lean                  51.81 (51.8)
Rotich                52.98 (52.9)
Goudge                53.85 (53.7)
Shaw                  54.29 (54.2)
Cumming               59.38 (59.2)
Potgieter             49.73 (49.7)
Lean                  50.59 (50.6)
Rotich                51.75 (51.7)
Metcalf               52.35 (52.4)
Goudge                52.39 (52.5)
Shepherd              52.69 (52.8)

4x110 yards
(Heat 1)
England               40.92 (40.9)
Australia             42.28 (42.3)
Uganda                42.47 (42.4)
Trinidad & Tobago     42.49 (42.5)
Northern Ireland      42.97 (43.0)
(Heat 2)
Nigeria               41.63 (41.6)
Canada                42.24 (42.2)
Wales                 42.41 (42.5)
Kenya                 43.06 (43.0)
England               40.72 (40.7)
Nigeria               41.05 (41.0)
Australia             41.64 (41.5)
Canada                41.74 (41.7)
Wales                 42.13 (42.0)
Uganda                42.17 (42.1)

4x440 yards
(Heat 1)
South Africa        3:13.46 (13.4)
Canada              3:14.14 (14.2)
India               3:15.37 (15.5)
Scotland            3:17.29 (17.4)
Ghana               3:21.44 (21.4)
(Heat 2)
Jamaica             3:13.72 (13.7)
England             3:16.16 (16.0)
Kenya               3:16.71 (16.7)
Trinidad & Tobago   3:19.77 (19.8)
South Africa        3:08.21 (08.1)
England             3:09.61 (09.6)
Jamaica             3:10.08 (10.1)
Canada              3:12.72 (12.8)
India               3:15.39 (15.3)
Kenya               3:16.72 (16.7)


100 yards
(Heat 1/-0.2)
Cuthbert              11.06 (10.8)
Hyman                 11.22 (11.0)
Haslam                11.29 (11.1)
Jones                 11.61 (11.4)
Jamieson              11.62 (11.5)
Payne                 11.64 (11.5)
(Heat 2/0.0)
Willard               11.03 (10.9)
Stuart                11.44 (11.3)
Symon                 11.63 (11.5)
Berman                11.72 (11.5)
Masdammer             11.76 (11.6)
(Heat 3/+0.3)
Paul                  10.98 (10.7)
Johnson               11.17 (11.1)
Chamberlain           11.57 (11.4)
Whitehead             11.60 (11.4)
Tindall               11.63 (11.4)
Quartey-Papafio       11.88 (11.7)
(Heat 4/-0.1)
Young                 10.97 (10.7)
Myburgh               11.18 (11.0)
Rever                 11.37 (11.2)
D'Souza               12.12 (12.0)
(Heat 5/+0.2)
Weston                11.08 (11.0)
Shaw                  11.13 (11.0)
Ogbeni                11.52 (11.4)
Lewis                 11.65 (11.4)
Williams              11.74 (11.6)
(Heat 6/0.0)
Hayes                 11.14 (11.0) 
Campbell              11.48 (11.4)
Weigel *              11.55 (11.4) 
Kyle *                11.58 (11.4) 
Turner                11.97 (11.9)
* Correction to placing
Weston                11.03 (10.9)
Cuthbert              11.04 (10.9)
Paul                  11.05 (10.9)
Hayes                 11.08 (10.9)
Myburgh               11.18 (10.9)
Stuart                11.32 (11.1)
Willard               10.85 (10.7)
Young                 10.91 (10.9)
Shaw                  11.14 (11.0)
Hyman                 11.26 (11.1)
Campbell              11.49 (11.3)
Johnson               11.85 (11.6)
Willard               10.70 (10.6)
Young                 10.73 (10.6)
Weston                10.81 (10.7)
Cuthbert              10.84 (10.7)
Paul                  10.93 (10.8)
Shaw                  11.09 (11.0)

220 yards
(Heat 1)
Cuthbert              24.40 (24.5)
Rever                 25.43 (25.4)
Jamieson              26.04 (26.0)
Williams              27.55 (27.5)
(Heat 2)
Willard               24.28 (24.3)
Hiscox                24.68 (24.6)
Tyndall               25.34 (25.2)
Kyle                  25.86 (25.7)
Payne                 26.40 (26.2)
(Heat 3)
Paul                  24.65 (24.7)
Berman                25.80 (25.7)
Lewis                 26.51 (26.5)
Williams               -    ( -  )
(Heat 4)
Dew                   24.42 (24.4)
Shaw                  24.71 (24.7)
Whitehead             25.18 (25.2)
Bright                27.86 (27.8)
(Heat 5)
Haslam                24.33 (24.4)
Myburgh               24.71 (24.7)
Campbell              25.53 (25.4)
D'Souza               26.22 (26.2)
(Heat 6)
Young                 24.69 (24.7)
Chamberlain           25.79 (25.8)
Bond                  26.07 (26.2)
Barnett               26.99 (27.0)
Cuthbert              23.94 (24.0)
Young                 24.17 (24.1)
Myburgh               24.45 (24.5)
Dew (dq)              24.46 (24.5)
Berman                26.04 (26.0)
Willard               24.04 (24.0)
Paul                  24.20 (24.1)
Haslam                24.23 (24.1)
Hiscox                24.85 (24.9)
Shaw                  24.89 (25.1)
Rever                 25.52 (25.3)
Willard               23.65 (23.6)
Cuthbert              23.77 (23.8)
Young                 23.90 (23.9)
Paul                  24.14 (24.0)
Myburgh               24.51 (24.4)
Haslam                24.63 (24.7)

80 metres Hurdles
(Heat 1/+9.7)
Thrower               10.79 (10.8)
Stuart                11.19 (11.1)
Iyo                   12.35 (12.3)
Ashwood               13.04 (13.0)
(Heat 2/+10.0)
Young                 11.26 (11.2)
Hayes                 11.27 (11.2)
Lewis                 11.77 (11.8)
Watson                11.87 (11.8)
(Heat 3/+6.6)
Wigney                11.10 (11.1)
Quinton               11.18 (11.2)
Thomas                11.59 (11.6)
Quartey-Papafio       11.94 (11.8)
Thrower               10.72 (10.7)
Quinton               10.77 (10.7)
Wigney                10.94 (10.9)
Stuart                11.18 (11.0)
Hayes                 11.21 (11.2)
Young                 11.34 (11.3)

4x110 yards
(Heat 1)
Australia             46.68 (46.6)
Canada                47.74 (47.4)
Wales (disq.)         48.93 ( ?  )
Northern Ireland      50.12 (50.0)
(Heat 2)
England               46.17 (46.1)
New Zealand           48.24 (48.2)
Scotland              48.44 (48.3)
Nigeria               49.57 (49.6)
England               45.37 (45.3)
Australia             46.12 (46.1)
Canada                47.21 (47.2)
New Zealand           48.34 (48.3)
Scotland              48.56 (48.5)
Northern Ireland      50.43 (50.3)

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